At United Way, we encourage our community members to engage in advocating for health, education, and financial stability.
There are many ways to advocate peacefully and respectfully. You can have informed conversations with your neighbors, write a legislator, or attend a public forum. Your respectful actions can engage and inspire effective laws and policies.
Our Role in Advocacy
As a community convener and collaborator, United Way of Eastern Idaho strives to stay informed about the way legislative decisions will impact the way we and our partners affect the hard-working populations we serve. It’s an ongoing education process.
United Way of Eastern Idaho also has a responsibility to share our comprehensive data ― as well as the results of our various communitywide projects ― with lawmakers and leaders.
Your Role in Advocacy
Stay Informed
Finding appropriate news sources to stay informed is vital so you know what is happening in your community. You can find reputable sources on TV or online in the news, in newspapers, and social media outlets that are tied to reputable organizations.
Voting rates are low during elections for local offices. Get to know your options early. Visit voteidaho.gov for more information.
It’s not about lobbying or politics. It’s about working together to create sustainable, community-level change. If you are interested in having United Way come talk to your workplace, civic group or any other group about issues facing Eastern Idaho, call the United Way office at (208) 522-2674. We need you and your voice.
Contact Your Representatives
Idaho's Congressmen
U.S. Senators for Idaho
Governor of Idaho
Legislative Districts
Find your state legislators (or select your district below)