What is Think Make Create?
The Idaho Out-of-School Network (ION) has been building Think Make Create Labs (TMC labs) by designing trailers to carry all of the supplies it takes to hold more than 50 projects for us to 100 kids each. "TMC is a collaborative partnership of educational programs, agencies and private sponsors working together to deploy a fleet of mobile makerspace learning labs across Idaho. The project was developed in Nebraska and licensed for use in Idaho by the ION and the UI-Extension 4-H Youth Program. In just one year, over 8,000 youth in rural and underserved Idaho communities will use the TMC labs and explore STEM careers."
United Way and the Idaho Out-of-School Network have teamed up to bring STEAM to the kids throughout our 7-county service region including Lemhi, Clark, Fremont, Jefferson, Madison, Teton, and Bonneville counties!
With our new partnership with the Idaho Out-of-School network, we are able to bring a brand new TMC Lab trailer to your neighborhood in East Idaho! We are so excited to add to the 8,000 kids who have already accessed the STEAM resources offered through this mobile lab. We intend to be collaborating with schools, family shelters, and our non-profit partners to get this TMC Lab to the kids who wouldn't normally have STEAM opportunities at school or home. We know that this will foster an excitement throughout the community's kids as they embark on their STEAM journeys!
As a TMC Lab host, we will be hosting trainings and be held responsible for keeping all supplies stocked. Trainings will include safety procedures and provide resources and best practices for the teachers to present STEAM lessons and activities to their students. These resources include hundreds of activities that are all STEAM inspired and are paired with Idaho state teaching standards for each activity. You can probably see why we are so excited to be welcoming this trailer into our care!
Interested in Teaming Up?
If you are interested in teaming up with us to bring the trailer to your non-profit organization, please contact Arial Howell at ahowell@unitedwayif.org to schedule a training and STEAM day!
Already involved with our TMC trailer and looking for resources? Look no further, we can help you here!
One benefit to teaming up with the Idaho Out-of-School Network, is that they've made everything accessible online. If you would like to access the Live Binder, full of STEAM-centered activities complete with directions, examples, and the Idaho State standards please click the link below and use the passcode "16" to grant full access:
Click HERE for Full Access
If you are already in the trailer and looking for supplies for a specific project, please CLICK HERE to access the location of all materials according to each project.
For other materials, please click on the item you would like to view below:
To help us keep track of all supplies being used and how we can better improve training for the trailer, we require that all participants report back to United Way on how their experience using the TMC trailer went. We hope that all young students can participate and enjoy their time as they work their brains! CLICK HERE to fill out your report.