Workplace Campaigns

Why Participate in Our Workplace Campaigns?

United Way of Idaho Falls & Bonneville County's (UWIFBC) workplace campaigns are about bringing people in local workplaces together to tackle our community's most difficult issues in the areas of education, health and financial stability. Whether you're a small business, major corporation or INL site contractor, you can join the many local businesses and organizations that ran workplace campaigns each year.

UWIFBC is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Bonneville, Clark, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, and Teton counties by addressing critical human needs. Our organization is unique in that we collaborate with 20 partner agencies to effect positive change in our region as efficiently as possible. When non-profit organizations work together, not only can we can accomplish more, but also the cost of fundraising is drastically reduced - leaving 100% of donations to help people.

We Make It Easy

There are many advantages to running a United Way IFBC workplace campaign: 

  • UWIFBC offers a simple, convenient and efficient way for your employees to support the community and causes they believe in. 
  • Your employees may give regular donations, via payroll deduction through an easy-to-use system or through paper pledging. 
  • A workplace campaign will help your company to achieve its Corporate Responsibility goals. 
  • Your employees will be able to tap into a wealth of volunteer opportunities via United Way partner agencies and programs. 
  • UWIFBC will partner with you to develop a custom fundraising campaign that aligns with your corporate values, as well as particular interests of your employees. 
  • UWIFBC will provide you with all the tools and support your need to run a successful workplace campaign. 

Through a workplace campaign your employees will experience the satisfaction of seeing their donations turn into programs and services that create impact on people's lives. When they see, the needle moving on important social issues in our community, they will know your company or organization helped to make a difference and they will feel proud of their collective accomplishments.

If you would like more information about starting a workplace campaign in your company or organization, or need assistance running your campaign, please contact Chris Wiersema at 208.522.2674 or

Workplace Campaign Toolkit

2024-25 Workplace Campaign Toolkit

Campaign Materials

Have You Met Alice?

2024 Have You Met Alice Handout

What a Dollar Buys

What your investment supports

2024-25 Community Investments

2024 Community Investments

UWIFBC Four Focus Areas

UWIFBC 4 Focus Areas


2024-25 Community Fund Posters

United Way Community Fund 2023 Poster

Campaign Videos

2024-25 Campaign

The Power of the Community Fund