The Power of $10

The Power of $10 logo with words "Join us in the fight against child hunger" and a QR code to a donation site.

Imagine a child going to bed hungry, struggling to focus in school because their stomach is growling. This is the harsh reality for far too many children in our community.

The United Way of Eastern Idaho's Ready. Set. GO! Weekend Food Bag program provides a lifeline for these children. School counselors discreetly send home bags filled with kid friendly food and fresh fruits for children to help them get through the weekends and school breaks when they lack access to breakfast and lunch at school.

Power of $10 on Thursday, March 6th, 2025

Just $10 can provide a child with food for an entire weekend. We challenge you to ask 10 family members and friends to each donate $10.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 on Thursday, March 6th, to help feed students throughout the school year.

By supporting our Ready. Set. GO! program, you’re not just providing food; you’re:

  • Fueling young minds: Allowing children to focus on learning instead of hunger.
  • Building brighter futures: Giving children the foundation they need to succeed.
  • Strengthening our community: Ensuring all children thrive today and tomorrow.

Make your gift today! A recurring donation of $10 every month helps feed a student for the entire school year.

Thank you for your compassion and support. One individual can make a difference, but when we unite, we can shape a brighter tomorrow for all. United is the Way.